Welcome to Smiths Farm Holiday Park



Dear Guest,

We at Smiths Farm Holiday Park operate in a fragile and unique environment and microclimate. It is also home to many rare ferns, orchids and other species. In addition, it is a significant water collection area for the lower valley of Linkwater.

In order to support and protect this environment we try to ensure that we use no more resources than our business requires.

We would appreciate it if you could help us to care for this unique part of the Marlborough Sounds and New Zealand by supporting us in any of the following ways:

You may choose to reuse your towels more than once as this means that we use less water and detergents which can end up in our waterways. Please let us know at the office if this is what you wish.
Your efforts in recycling are appreciated. We have bins for plastics, tins, paper, glass and anything that is compostable at the main building. If you have something that does not fall into these categories please just bring it to us at the office or leave it separate from the other rubbish at the main bins.

Some actions that you may not see include:

Low flush toilets,
Tap flow limiters,
Buying locally,
Composting any organic waste for our garden,
Using low energy lighting,
Using biodegradable cleaning products,
Donating unwanted or surplus items to local charities and community groups,
Turning off lights and equipment when not in use, and
Supporting the Kaipupu Point Mainland Island Project.

If you are interested in any of the above initiatives please feel free to ask us or our staff questions.

We also donate to the Breast Cancer Research Trust NZ, and the Yellow Eyed Penguin Trust.

We support the Holiday Parks NZ commitment to Predator Free NZ. We are very involved with the establishment of the Te Hoiere (Pelorus) Catchment Care and Enhancement Project.

Smiths Farm Holiday Park is an early adopter of the Tourism Industry Aotearoa's (www.tia.org.nz) Sustainability Commitment which launched on 14 November, 2017. This Commitment aims to see every NZ tourism business committed to sustainability by 2025, thereby becoming a world leader in sustainable tourism.

We hope that you leave Smiths Farm knowing that your support helps us to maintain, protect and enhance this very unique area.

Thank you.

Barbara and Chris Faulls.

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Contact Us

Smiths Farm Holiday Park
1419 Queen Charlotte Drive, Linkwater, RD 1 Picton 7281, Marlborough,
New Zealand

Emails: cbfaulls@xtra.co.nz

Phone/Fax: +64-3-5742-806
0800 727 578

© Smiths Farm Holiday Park - Admin